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The question we often hear at Golden Triangle Auto Care is, “How long can I run on a spare tire?” Let’s hold that question a moment and ask some more pressing questions. 1. Do you have a spare tire in your car? 2. Do you know where the spare tire is located in the car? […]
Deer in the Headlights: Cautions & Tips In late 2018, we read a report shared by AAA Colorado: Coloradans reported 6,858 wildlife collisions in 2016, a 45 percent increase over 2013, according to AAA Colorado analysis of Colorado Department of Transportation data sets. Nationwide, animal-vehicle collisions result in 150 human deaths, tens of thousands of […]
Sanity Third … All of your car’s mechanical systems are checked and ready for your commute. How else can you maintain your sanity and take the stress out of your school commute? Here are a few tips from your Denver car care experts: 1. Carry water & extra snacks. Yep, you never know when you […]
Whether you are a parent getting your teen set up with their first car for high school or college, a student wondering how to make your new life as a college commuter easier, or a teacher juggling all the details … we thought we’d offer a few tips to help you rock the commute! Safety […]
Summer is finally here, and for many Coloradans we all have mountain adventures on our minds, so we thought we’d share a few Colorado Mountain car care & driving tips as you prepare for your Summer vacation. The last thing any of us want to deal with is any sort of car problems. There […]
If you are an experienced driver and have been on the road for any appreciable amount of time, you have seen gas prices come a long way, or rather, you have seen them climb a long way. As prices increase, most drivers are looking for ways to improve their mileage (in addition, of course, to […]