Warm Feet for Warriors: Sock Drive 2021

Community and Heroes.

Warm Feet for Warriors Sock Donation Campaign 2021As we wind up each year, we reflect on what’s happened in our community, who has made a difference, and who might quietly be in need of help.

You may have noticed the introduction of our Heroes coupon series in 2021. That idea emerged as we considered who stepped up in a major way in 2020 and 2021 to support each and every person in our community. At the same time, we all know there are those in our armed forces community who step up each and every day to represent and protect the principles we cherish.

We became aware of an organization called Soldiers Angels and their mission to support both our active and inactive military personnel throughout the year. One of their programs rang a bell for us and we decided to adopt Warm Feet for Warriors and conduct a sock drive for 2021-22.

Please join our efforts by bringing a new pair of adult socks into the shop between November 15th and January 14th, 2022.

No need to overthink the type of socks to buy and drop off! Color, fiber, or style doesn’t matter. These could be for an adult male or female. The only requirement is they be new socks! We’ll take care of delivering the socks to the organization when our donation drive closes.

Join Golden Triangle Auto Care in thanking those who selflessly serve with a simple donation this season.


Contact Golden Triangle Auto Care





1112 North Speer Boulevard
Denver, CO 80204

Store Hours:

M-F: Open 7:30 am Close 5:00 pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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