
Why is My Check Engine Light On?

Why is my Check Engine Light on? Shop Talk blog post from Golden Triangle Auto Care

The Good News and Bad News from your Check Engine Light You’re driving down the road and suddenly your check engine light comes on. Like a secret code in a foreign language, your car has just sent you a message and you have no idea what it means. Is it time to panic? As computers […]

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Got A Flat Tire? A Quick Lesson in Spares

The question we often hear at Golden Triangle Auto Care is, “How long can I run on a spare tire?” Let’s hold that question a moment and ask some more pressing questions. 1. Do you have a spare tire in your car? 2. Do you know where the spare tire is located in the car? […]

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When Should You Get Your Car in for Service?

Here are some basic car care guidelines to help determine when you should bring your car in for service. You are driving down the road and you hear a funny clicking sound from your car. Sounds like it could be coming from the front where the engine is, or maybe it’s that right front wheel. […]

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Colorado I-70 Traction Law Effective 2019

Driving on Interstate 70 through Colorado’s high country can be beautiful … and treacherous, particularly between September and May.  Weather can be, quite literally, all over the map.  Within a matter of hours, climate and road conditions can swing from sunny and dry to wet, slushy, snowy, and icy.  Are you ready and do you […]

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10 Tips to Avoid Animal Collisions on Colorado Roads

Deer Crossing Road 10 Tips for Avoiding Animal Collisions

Deer in the Headlights: Cautions & Tips In late 2018, we read a report shared by AAA Colorado: Coloradans reported 6,858 wildlife collisions in 2016, a 45 percent increase over 2013, according to AAA Colorado analysis of Colorado Department of Transportation data sets. Nationwide, animal-vehicle collisions result in 150 human deaths, tens of thousands of […]

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Tips to Reduce Stress During Your School Commute

Sanity Third … All of your car’s mechanical systems are checked and ready for your commute. How else can you maintain your sanity and take the stress out of your school commute? Here are a few tips from your Denver car care experts: 1. Carry water & extra snacks. Yep, you never know when you […]

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Contact Golden Triangle Auto Care





1112 North Speer Boulevard
Denver, CO 80204

Store Hours:

M-F: Open 7:30 am Close 5:00 pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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