Denver Car Maintenance

Why is My Check Engine Light On?

Why is my Check Engine Light on? Shop Talk blog post from Golden Triangle Auto Care

The Good News and Bad News from your Check Engine Light You’re driving down the road and suddenly your check engine light comes on. Like a secret code in a foreign language, your car has just sent you a message and you have no idea what it means. Is it time to panic? As computers […]

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Keeping Your Student Secure During their School Commute

Security Second … Good work: you’ve had your student’s vehicle inspected, and you’ve handled all of the items needing attention. Your car should be good for the commute for the immediate future. The best advice we can give to keep your car in good running order is regular maintenance. We all know it takes more […]

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Car Trivia to Consider while Warming Up your Vehicle

Oil changes, brake pad checks, transmission fluid flushes. Here’s what you want to do, okay… Actually, let’s put all that aside just for one day and, well…lighten things up just a little with some interesting bits of car trivia. So get out your scorecard, or your No. 2 pencil, or for that matter your favorite […]

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Road Ready: Turkey, Trees and Holiday Road Trips

Ah, the joyous months are finally here, November and December. A time for sumptuous turkey dinners and gathering around the tree with friends and family.  It’s also a time for slippery, icy roads and shoulder to shoulder highway traffic. To get through the season, you’re going to need a can do attitude, some patience – […]

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Contact Golden Triangle Auto Care





1112 North Speer Boulevard
Denver, CO 80204

Store Hours:

M-F: Open 7:30 am Close 5:00 pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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