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Onboard computers. A trusted mechanic performing all of your scheduled maintenance. It’s easy these days to leave your car’s care entirely in the hands (or hard drive) of others. Keep in mind, however, that there’s a third component to maintaining a healthy, long-lasting vehicle: You! While there are many small things you can do to maintain your vehicle in between scheduled visits, today we focus on perhaps the most important of these – the 3-minute oil check.
Proper oil care is without question the most important maintenance task in your vehicle’s upkeep. Many cars at some point in their lives will leak or burn oil, and these events don’t always coincide with those regularly scheduled visits! Most car manufacturers recommend a weekly check of your oil level, although many mechanics recommend checking several times per week.
Remember, up to a third of all vehicles on the road at any given time are being driven with below normal oil levels. Continued operation of a vehicle at low levels can cause premature engine wear.
While the risk of improper oil levels is real, checking the oil is a quick and easy process:
What to do if your oil is low:
If your oil mark falls below the lower limit, you’re going to want to add oil, but remember that this must be done gradually.
If you have any concerns about adding oil correctly, you can always have your mechanic help with this.